Psalter with supplement. Psalms begin with Psalm 39. Leaf 80b troparia "neporochni" (beati immaculati, amōmoi) and other troparia according to the calendar of saints; troparia for Lenten and Pentecostal cycle ending on leaf 147b with a brief invocation dated 1479 (which is taken to be the date of copying of the manuscript). Following this, we find a scribal inscription in Italian with the date 1479, scribe's name and the place of copying. Leaf 148a, prayers for various occasions with troparia. Incomplete (the beginning and a number of leaves throughout the manuscript are missing). Apart from two mentioned scribal inscriptions, there is an inscription in Greek on leaf 13b, mentioning a "kyr" Iakōb. Leaf 82a, an inscription indicating ownership (an anathema). Ornamented initials.